1.Then one night, Murong Yasushi cries could be heard in the yard there, so got up to see, Who would have thought was actually a small voice.
2.look into myself and see what was there. Some small voice told me it was unfair to leave him.
3.The girl has got a rightness of with the wind ear, can hear the very and small voice. . .
4.Curiously, Li Yan Ran no hurry to leave this time, the small voice has become withdrawn.
5.One more possibility would be to record a small voice message and a small indicator would attach itself to the icon.
6.A still small voice, deep within you, now wants to offer you wise and potentially profitable guidance. Don't be too busy to hear it.
7.You can imagine Wilbur's surprise when, out of the darkness, came a small voice he had never heard before.
8.But a stll small voice keeps telling me they will not like it always, and perhaps not always stand it.
9."Oh, really? " said a small voice. Bear looked down. There was Chipmunk looking up at Bear from his hole in the ground.
10.First he strikes up a conversation with her, chatting is naturally they like topic, but a small voice only they can hear.